Wednesday, 3 February 2010

Latest purchases

I've got two new little additions to my collection in the last week.

I've got myself a US Respirator bag, it's pretty old and fucked looking, but I'm quite happy about this.

I will be using this for my early Iraq 2003 USMC impression. I was bidding on the respirator to go with it but was in work when it finished so got outbid. Damn, it was a really cheap price as well.

I've also got myself a frag grenade pouch by Eagle Industries in CB, I do believe that it's a genuine FSBE II issued item, but I'm not 100% certain. I need to find a list of the FSBE II NSN no's so that I can check it out.

I had been bidding on an EI Warbelt that was on Ebay from LGTKIT, but got totally outbid and outfinanced on it. So I've had to go with a Flyye Industries replica.

I've ordered this and will post once it's turned up.


  1. Yup, xxxx-xx-516-xxxx is the NSN for FSBE II issued items.

    xxxx-xx-519-xxxx and xxxx-xx-529-xxxx is for SFLCS

  2. Oh and I know who won that warbelt from LGTKIT and no it wasn't me lol.

  3. Cheeers for those NSN's, that will make bidding easier.
